Devotions for the Month of May

Devotions for the Month of May

The return of May, when nature, awakened from her winter sleep, is clad in all her vernal beauty, reminds us that all should be fair and bright within us also, that our hearts ought to be adorned with fair virtues, so as to be pleasing to Jesus and Mary. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, frequent meditation on her life and contemplation of her example, earnest endeavor to imitate her virtues--these are all excellent means of sanctifying the soul and of advancing in the love of God. And since the May devotions are intended to attain this laudable end, since they are commended to us by holy Church and enriched with indulgences, it especially behooves us, who are the adopted children of Mary and her devoted clients, to perform these exercises with a willing heart and in the spirit of piety. The following suggestions will serve as your guide.
  1. If possible, receive the sacraments at the beginning of the month of May, in order that the meditations and devotions may bear more abundant fruit in your soul.
  2. The chapters in the fore part and at the end of this book (see here) will furnish you with suitable matter for meditation and spiritual reading; to this you may add the Litany of Loretto and other prayers to the Blessed Virgin.
  3. As your principal object propose to yourself to combat and thoroughly master some fault or bad habit, and to acquire the opposite virtue.
  4. Every morning offer up your actions to Jesus and Mary, and endeavor earnestly to model your whole conduct by the example of the Blessed Virgin.
  5. If you can manage to hear Mass daily, see that you do so; and if the May devotions are not held in public, perform them by yourself, either in church before the shrine of Our Lady, or at home before your own little altar of the Blessed Virgin.
  6. Recite the Rosary frequently.
  7. Finally, do your utmost to promote devotion to our blessed Lady amongst those with whom you come into contact.

Three Offerings in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I.  Holiest Virgin, with all my heart I worship thee above all the angels and saints in paradise as the daughter of the eternal father, and to thee I consecrate my soul and all its powers. 
 Hail Mary, etc.

II.  Holiest Virgin, with all my heart I worship thee above all the angels and saints in paradise as the Mother of the only-begotten Son, and to thee I consecrate my body with all its senses.
Hail Mary, etc.

III.  Holiest Virgin, with all my heart I worship thee above all the angels and saints in paradise as the spouse of the Holy Ghost, and to thee I consecrate my heart and all its affections, praying thee obtain for me from the ever-blessed Trinity all the graces which I need for my salvation.
Hail Mary, etc.

Indulgence of 300 days, each time.--Leo XII., Oct. 21, 1823.

I hope you enjoyed these excerpts from The Catholic Girls Guide by Father Lasance.  There are many more prayers and devotions to Our Lady in this beautiful book so please take a look at it here!  The month of May is very special to us here at Maidens for Mary.  We hope you come back and read more as we post all about Our Lady this month!!

In corde Mariae,
