Giving Up Negativity for Lent.

Image result for rose with thorns

       Hello Ladies! I hope you have been having great week. Have you ever just woke up in the morning in a completely bad mood? Well, if you have you are definitely not alone. Positivity isn't something that comes easy for everyone. Especially in today's society where we have so much on our to do list. Its easy to be overwhelmed by just simple everyday activities that just seem to pile up on top of each other. Stress is inevitable, but how we handle it is what really matters.
           Every morning, or so it seems, I go through my morning and do what I need to do before I get into the car to go to school. Everything is usually fine up until half way to school. To get to my school from my house is forty five minutes, so I have to get up at 6:30 am. However, lately I noticed that my mood changes after a few minutes in the ride. When we leave the house I'm usually happy and in a good mood, but that doesn't last long. Soon I start to dwell on the stuff that is not going right in my life, maybe a school assignment or something else that is personal. Sometimes I get so upset and stressed that I even cry. I know that probably sounds strange but this is seriously what happens on most mornings. Sometimes I feel guilty because I know that God has given me so much. He has given me everything that I need and so much more. I am so thankful for everything he has given me.
           The other day I was thinking about what I should give up for lent. I didn't want to give up something food related because I am going out of town at the end of March and April. My school is taking a trip up the East Coast, and let's be realistic, I am likely going to fail. I don't want to create a resolution that I know I am going to fail at. I also don't have a choice about where we are eating most of the days and I will probably never get to eat at most of these places ever again. Most of the restaurants that we are going to require us to have reservations. However, I am still going to fast from meat on Fridays. Anyways, like I was saying, I was thinking about what to give up for lent, when I realized that I didn't necessarily have to give up food for lent. I could give Negativity for Lent. After all Lent is about giving up something that we don't need or something that is bad for us in order to get closer to God.
          The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I was kind of wanting to be in a bad mood. By not focusing on the good stuff happening in my life and constantly thinking about the bad stuff I was throwing myself a pity party. I could have easily stopped by thinking about something exciting coming up or something good that was happening. There are always little moments everyday that make our day better. Even the most ordinary moments in our everyday lives can sometimes evoke joy in us. We just have to look out for these moments so that we won't miss it. But if we are wallowing in self pity, then how do we see these precious moments. We are all blessed whether or not you feel it at the moment.
           Some things that I am going to try to do this Lenten season to give up negativity and get closer to God is by adding a few more things to my journal entries. I am going to start rose and thorn journaling and start keeping a gratitude journal. Rose and Thorn journaling is where you say something good about your day and thank God for it. Then you write about a thorn in your day, something that is not good. Remember that you can not have a rose without thorns. Gratitude journaling is where you write down the times during that day that something good happened, then you thank God for them. Sometimes it might be helpful to go back read your gratitude journal when you are feeling down or you can go back and look months from when it was written and see what you were thankful about at that time. Journaling is an awesome way to keep track of your feelings and what was going on at the time. By doing this you can see how much you grew.

I hope all of your Lenten Resolutions go well. Stay strong because you girls can do it! I hope this post helps anyone struggling with negativity and I hope this tips and tricks help you all find peace in the storms of life.

