✰✰✰✰ The Sacred Heart ✰✰✰✰

I Found It!

“Look! It’s the Sacred Heart of Jesus!” I exclaimed proudly to my mother. 
“Britney, that’s a strawberry.” my dumbfounded mother returns.
“Is it?!” I asked holding up the cookie cutter to my shirt.

I am not joking or exaggerating. I really thought that was a Sacred Heart cookie cutter. “Hmm, is that really what it is?”
Well, I didn’t care to ask myself that. I was too excited that I found it.

Here is where I found it:

Note that the strawberry cutter is by the foot, cross, and heart cutters

Here is the shirt I was wearing. Do you see it? It’s the Sacred Heart, y’all.

Anyway, while we’re on the topic, did you know this month is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? 
Whatta cowinky-dink! 😉🙏

But What Is The Sacred Heart of Jesus?

June is the Sacred Heart of Jesus month. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is just that, the Heart of our lord Jesus Christ. His Heart has a lance pierced in the right hand side, a crown of thorns, a fire and a cross. The feast day of the Sacred Heart is on the 19th day after Pentecost. This year that is on Friday, June 28, 2019. Mark those calendars for mass! The first feast day was celebrated 349 years ago, and this devotion is now universally celebrated. This wasn't easy to reach though. 90 years after visions of His Sacred Heart came to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoquet the feast day was celebrated for the first time. It took another 91 years to make that celebration universal.

Please, Tell Me More

Jesus did make 12 promises to those who honor his Sacred Heart. My three favorites are, "I will comfort them in their trials," "sinners will find in My Heart an infinite ocean of mercy," and "fervent souls will rapidly grow in holiness and perfection." I have to take a breath just reading them. Our Lord is so good. His Heart is Sacred! Why would we not want to honor it? Now, the novena actually started on the 19th, but that does not mean you cannot still celebrate. Click right there > https://www.ewtn.com/Devotionals/heart/meditation.htm
That is the meditation for His most Sacred Heart. This will be the first year that I celebrate His Sacred Heart, and I encourage each of you to join me.

Happy (early) Feast Day for the Sacred Heart of Jesus! I hope all of us can find pure joy in really finding His Sacred Heart, unlike me finding a strawberry cookie cutter. 😄😇 💖🍓

In Faith,

Britney Diaz-Roman
