Ten Books for You To Speed-Read

Hey howdy hey, everybody!  Hope y'all are doing phantasmagorical!!  <333  So, for today's post, I'm sorry to say, I don't really have much planned--reason being because I forgot to get something written ahead of time, and am now writing this in between school, studying for my permit test, and work....  *insert monkey hiding face emoji*…So, last minute post of the day is gonna be about....

wait for it....

wait for it.....

waiiittt forrr itttttt……


Or rather, book recommendations.  ;P (don't worry, it's just a few)  Alrighty, let's go!

1.) A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens
     This book is FANTASTIC!  I love the character-developing of Charles Dickens.  He's such a great writer!  and I TOTALLY recommend reading his work!  All of it is AMAZING!  <333

2.)  The Hollow Kingdom trilogy, by Clare B. Dunkle
     These books.
     Oh, man.
      They're just so good.
     If you haven't read them yet, you need to.  They're SOOOOO AMAZING!!
     (And if your favorite character is NOT Marak, something's wrong with you)  xP

3.)  Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbit (Top Ten Of Must-Reads--in my opinion)
     This one is tear-worthy--at least, I think it is.  And if you listen to all of the songs from the musical, AND then read the story.
     Oh boy.  So many tears.  :'(

4.)  The Rise of Aredor books 1 and 2, by Claire M. Banschbach
      OKay, the awesome things about these books is that they may or may not be written by someone who's TECHNICALLY family to me...…  *insert halo emoji*
     I mean, she's my brother-in-law's sister, so.....  xPPP
     Anyway, they're amazing books!  And I legit read it and fell in LOVE with Emeth!  <3333  Seriously, there's like no possible way to read the books and not live him.  He's so dang awesome.  <3

5.)  The Faeries of Myrenius, by Claire M. Banschbach
     Yes, she write more. xP  And they're great!  I have not had the chance to read the second one yet--it just came out a little bit ago!!!--but the first one(Adela's Curse) is reeeaaaallllyyyyy good.  <333  I LOVED it!!  Plus, it's kinda short, so if you're looking for a book that doesn't stress you out because it's super long, this is the one.  xP

6.)  The Hunger Games books, by Suzanne Collins
     These books are some of my favorites, BUT I actually would not suggest them for under the age of 14(or maybe 15).  They're really good, but a tad morbid from time to time, and if I recall correctly(it's been a long while since I read them, haha), there were a few unnecessary scenes written....(???) Anywhosies, over 14(or 15), go read 'em!  They're AMAZINGGGGG!!  <333

7.)  The Maze Runner series, by James Dashner
     These ones are SO GOOD.  I'd kinda suggest around the same age recommendation as with The Hunger Games though, only because there are some pretty intense scenes/moments in those books.  But, if you're over that age and you HAVEN'T read them, you TOTALLY SHOULD!  Because this series is honestly just so amazing-one of my favorites of all time!!  <333

8.)  The Giver, by Lois Lowrey  (In The Top Ten Of Must-Reads--in my opinion)
     This book is such a great one.  I LOVE it.  I've reread it a few times because that's how much I love to read it.  It causes tears, but holy cow, what an amazing book!  I personally think that it holds a good ideal against abortion.  And just such a pro-life feel when you read it.  PLus, it's beautiful.  I mean, really.  What a great piece of writing.  <333  Sad, depressing, but great.  <333  Totally one of my tops on recommendations.

9.)  The Boy In The Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne
      Now, this one.
      This one is extremely tear-jerking.
     I cried so hard all the way through this book.
     But, it's a good one.  If you're anything like me, WWII books make your heart ache, and lemme tell you, this is gonna make your heart ache BIG TIME.
     But, I'd totally recommend it still.  Just be prepared to cry.

10.)  Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
     If you love a mystery novel(or if you love Sherlock Holmes), this is the way to go.  It's so good! And really, an amazingly mind-boggling mystery.  It's one of those ones that you legit cannot figure out until the end, and when you do find out, it's surprising.  It's seriously such an AMAZING BOOK, and truthfully one of my favorites!  <3333

And there you have it!  Ten AMAZING books that you're gonna want to speed-read--because when you pick them up, you cannot put them down.  <333

Have you read any of these books?  If so, which ones? Comment below!  <33

Happy Reading!

<3always: Emily


  1. Unpopular opinion time: I . . . actually don’t like The Hunger Games. I’ve only read the first one, and since then haven’t felt like picking up the next two. It just seemed too depressing (although it was a quick read...).

    But HECK YES, THE GIVER WAS AWESOME. The third book broke my heart, and I’m still not over it enough to read the fourth, but the first one was perfection.

    Great post! I haven’t read most of these actually, but they all sound excellent!

    1. Well, it definitely is a depressing series, haha. XD And that's totally understandable for you not to pick up the next two books! Everyone has their own opinions! :D

      Right?! I LOVED the Giver!! Although, I've only read the one book...… *hides face*…...I actually really wanted to read the other books, but I always forget to look for them when I go book-shopping.

      {{{also I currently have a 'to-read' list of 19 books(!!!!?????!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!)}}}

      Awesome!! Well, then, I'd ABSOLUTELY suggest the Hallow Kingdom Trilogy, Tuck Everlasting, and The Rise of Aredor books to start you on. ;P There's absolutely nothing inappropriate in any of them, and they are actually very exciting, adventurous books! If you've ever read The Lord of the Rings(??), that's basically what The Rise of Aredor books are like. ;P

      Thanks for commenting!!! <33

  2. Yay! A fellow Dickens fan!!!! A Tale of Two Cities is a great book!

    Thanks for this post Emily!

    1. YESSS!! Such a Dickens fan, actually!!! I LOVE his work!! I recently bought (almost)all of his books that I didn't already own and am trying to read them all! I'm currently on Bleak House--such a good one! Tear-worthy, really. :'( <333

      A Tale of Two Cities is one of his greatest, I think! And Great Expectations actually! ;P

      Of course! Thank YOU for commenting! <33

    2. Yes! Bleak House is a good one! Though it is sad! :( I heard someone say once that it is Dickens one great tragedy!!

      I am working though all of his books too! I have three left! :D

      I'm so glad to have found someone who love Dickens as much as I do!!!!

    3. It really is, actually. It's a realllyyyy sad one :'( But a good one too. ;P

      Wow! Awesome!! I'm nowhere nearly as far along as you are. XD I find it hard to just sit down and read a book that's not for homework these days XD

      Same!!! Dickens is my FAVORITE!!! He's sooo good!! <3333

  3. I have read 1 (I didn't love it while reading, but afterwards I just sat and thought about and OH, MY, WORD. Top 10!), 3 (Top 10 as well!!), and 10 (:D). The others sound good too, I guess I'll have to try them!!

    1. Right??!! Aren't they all so good??? I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tuck Everlasting!!! :') <333 It's such a great one!!! And all the others are amazing as well!! You should definitely look into reading them! <333

  4. Ohmigosh, I read A Tale of Two Cities and cried so hard at the end! Sidney...*sniff* was sooo.............ok I should probably not go there, I might start crying xD
    Great post, Em!

    1. Ikr?? It's such an amazing book!!! I LOVE it! then again, I love any of Dickens work ;P

      Thank you!! <33

  5. I've read Tale of Two Cities, Tuck Everlasting, and Hound of the Baskervilles...all of them for school. Loved Tale of Two Cities and Hound of the Baskervilles, but I hated Tuck Everlasting. I'm not even sure why anymore.

    Some of these other titles sound really cool, will have to check them out!

    Great post, Em!


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