Feminine Fashion At It's Best!

Hey hey hey everybody!  Hope everyone's Summer was fantastic!--Aaaaaand, welcome back to the school year!!  :3  Hope all is going well so far!  And if it's not, don't ya worry, you got this.  I believe in you!  <333

So!  For today's post, I've decided to write a long and dreary contemplation that I've been having since that wondrous post of Sarah's (if you haven't read it yet, go do it!  It's amazing!!)…  In said post, it's noted that femininity is going a little downhill these days--and let's be honest, they really are!--.  It's kind of a sad thing to witness.  So, as young Christian ladies, let's bring back those nearly-forgotten traits of true young woman, shall we?  And what better way to start, then with our appearance?

Whenever I find myself getting all dressed up for certain occasions, my mom constantly says those words "you know, back in my day..." and it usually leads on to say how nicely ladies dressed those days.  Back in those days, they got 'dressed up' for the airport, the bank, Church, meetings...etc.  So...Where am I going with this?

Well, maybe it'd be a good way to get back into that mindset of a true young lady, grow in our femininity, by dressing like that again.  I'm not saying to stop wearing jeans and t-shirts.  I'm just saying, find a way to make it look soft, classic, and feminine.

I believe in Sarah's post, there was actually a suggestion of this...she said: "Putting together a new outfit or jewelry combination may change the way you look at your closet."

It's so true!

...There was a while back when my sisters and I were shopping after going to Mass on Sunday...We were dressed as we usually are for Church(pretty dresses, jewelry, cardigans...etc..) ...and an old man told us that we looked so nice, and that he //never// sees ladies dress that way anymore, and thanked us.

It honestly made me really sad to hear!  I mean, it's so rare, that we're getting thanked for putting on a dress or a cute skirt-shirt combination now?

Yeah, that moment kinda made me rethink about the way I get dressed up for certain things now.  We ladies in this house have made it a thing to where when we are going out for special occasions, we make it certain that we are wearing either a cute dress, or skirt-shirt combination.

It's a start, right?   :P

Really though, just that alone makes me feel better about myself and the way I'm appearing to those around me. Now, as I said, that doesn't mean start wearing nothing but skirts and dresses, it doesn't mean stop wearing those jeans and t-shirts either.  But, just try to look at it from a different perspective.  You're a young, amazing Christian woman, display that in your characteristics, and the manner in which you speak, act, and dress.

And if y'all are ever trying to find a good place to find such outfits, feel free to ask me!  (I honestly LOVE getting stuff from "Neesee's Dresses"{all their stuff is modest and gorgeous!!})

Aaand that's all for now!  I hope y'all enjoyed this post!--If you did(or didn't), let me know in the comments below!

<3always: Emily


  1. Great post! I . . . am not exactly fashion-oriented (which leads to a lot of interesting conversations in clothing stores!) but I do try to (somewhat) stay modest. Your post had some excellent points. I agree, a lot of women "dress down" these days, myself included. Definitely will be thinking about this over the weekend!

    1. Thank you, Nicole! Hey, you're not alone, don't ya worry about it. ;) Honestly, I'm guilty of "dressing down" from time to time these days....And that's mainly because I'm so busy between work and school that I have a tough time motivating myself to really get dressed for the day/for running out. And that's honestly what I'm trying to change in myself, haha. Just putting on a cute combo of jeans and a t-shirt honestly motivates me to get stuff done! Really, just dressing up from time to time will get you into the habit of dressing nicer, and kinda makes you want to do it more often{or is that just me??!!?}… ;D So glad that you enjoyed the post! And thank you so much for commenting!! God Bless you!!! <3333

  2. Wonderful post, Emily!! I agree with everything you said! I’ve had similar things happen to me; some people are so glad to see a young woman dress with modesty and dignity!
    And I’ll have to look into NeeSee’s Dresses! I’m always eager to find new places to get modest clothing. Though I’ve found second hand stores very valuable for that! You can usually find some really nice stuff for very cheap. Anyways, thanks for the wise words of wisdom, Emi!! <3333

    1. Aww, thanks, Zelie!! <333 Isn't it so touching when people tell you that? aaand, also a little saddening, haha.... :3

      Oh em goodness! It's amazing! Their clearance section is the best. ;) True that! Well, I know of a few other places good for modest clothing....but the names are escaping me. xD Anytime, haha!! Thanks for commenting/reading the post!! <33333

  3. Thank you, Erin! I'm so honored. This is a great post with some beautiful outfit pictures. It reminds me of a quote by Oscar Wilde, "You can never be over dressed or orver educated." :) I've seen NeeSee's clothing online, but haven't ever ordered from them yet. Another great modest retailer is https://www.downeastbasics.com/ Thanks for a wonderful and inspirational post! God bless you! <3

    1. Oh, please, your post was so beautiful it deserved some more recognition. :3 Ahh yes! Such a wonderful quote! <3 Well, if you go to the Clearance section, everything's a lot cheaper haha. xP Oh, I've never heard of that one before! I'll have to check it out! :D And, I did just remember another one, haha. It's called "Mod Cloth". That one's really good for modest clothing, too. ;) Thank you so much for commenting! God Bless YOU! <333

  4. I also kinda straggle the line between classy and casual. I usually pair a T-shirt with a nicer looking skirt for an everyday look. I do kinda wish that people (especially MEN) would dress with more class.

    Wonderful post, Em!

    Catherine <3

    1. Yeah, I have a tough time getting dressed nicer these days....and that's what I'm trying to change, haha. xPPPP Just writing this post made me realize how lazy I must look when I stay in pajamas until I go to work. XDDDD I honestly agree with you. But, I don't think it's my place to write a post about how men should dress, haha. After all, no men are gonna read it. xPPPP But, I do absolutely agree, and it constantly came to my mind when I was prepping this post. When my mom says those words, without fail, she will bring up how nicely both MEN ///and/// women dressed back in those days. Honestly, when I come across those few men who dress like Andy Griffith{first of all, that may have been a really bad comparison... secondly, it's extremely odd to find guys who dress like that nowadays...}, I'm shocked, but then it also just makes my heart so happy to see guys dressing like that. and I don't know why, haha. I guess because it's so rare that you've got like a one in one hundred chance of actually seeing that, so you feel honored that you did...???? Anyway, I have rambled on plenty now, I should stop, and go put on a really nice outfit for the day. xP Thank you for commenting, Catherine!! God Bless you! <3333


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