We were made for each other

God made us to glorify Him above all things in this world but, He also instilled in us a longing to be with and care for others in this life. Our hearts ache for little bits and pieces of Jesus here on earth and we often can find that in good people searching for the same thing. When we help a fellow friend out, or when a stranger shows you a warm smile, or maybe even when you step up to talk to the new kid in your group. Each one fills our hearts with love and hope reminding us that we are not alone on this earth. Jesus never met a stranger when He was here and always welcomed and embraced them. We should do the same but I believe we long to do the same because it’s in our very nature to find a sense of community. When we seek out friendships we look for people that have some of the same interests as us and genuinely want to have a relationship with us. I think the best friendships are the ones where each member gives a little part of themselves so that they can see each other’s commitment to it. Now a little wisdom from The Greatest Showman is that we don’t need everyone to like us just a few good people. Jesus had His 12  apostles and maybe that’s all we will have too, but that’s ok because if each member strives for that sense of community then that’s all we really need. The more we give of ourselves to others the happier and closer we become to God because we are fulfilling the call to love one another. I encourage you to find someone this week that might need a reminder of God’s love by just being a friend and showing a little kindness. We can change the world by helping one person at a time every day.


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